Anabolic androgenic steroids are substances banned in sports competitions that undergo the famous doping tests.
Let's first look at the meaning of these three words:
- steroids: are a class of hormones
- androgen: means "substance that produces male characteristics"
- anabolic: "substance that increases the synthesis of new tissue."
Although their use is banned (in Italy see Law No. 376), many athletes use them in the hope of improving their sports performance, particularly by increasing muscle mass and consequently muscle strength.
Indeed, science has confirmed that when taken in large quantities and combined with hard training these substances can increase muscle mass, but the side effects of these drugs far outweigh their benefits.
In females, who normally lack potent androgen hormones, these drugs not only promote the development of typical male muscle mass and strength, but they "masculinize" females in other ways such as stimulating the growth of facial hair or lowering the tone of voice. More important still, for both males and females, is the negative effect these substances have on the cardiovascular and reproductive systems and the liver.
Let us look specifically at their negative effects on our bodies:
- At the reproductive level in men, the use of androgenic steroids interferes with the functioning of the anterior pituitary gland, decreasing testosterone secretion and sperm production and causing the testes themselves to shrink. This hormone abuse can also promote testicular and prostate cancer. In females, inhibition of the anterior pituitary gland impairs the ability to ovulate, causes irregular menstruation and decreased secretion of female "feminizing" sex hormones. This consequently causes a decrease in breast size.
- At the cardiovascular level, steroid use induces cardiovascular changes that increase the risk of developing 'alterosclerosis, which in turn is linked to an increased incidence of heart attacks and strokes.
- At the level of the liver, liver dysfunction results frequently due to the intake of large amounts of steroids that overwork it. The incidence of cancer also increases.
- At the behavioral level, steroid use seems to promote aggressive and hostile behavior, as well as addictive.
Consequently, considering the negative effects they cause on health, without considering the ethical and legal aspects, the 'use of these substances* should be absolutely avoided.
*source: "Fundamentals of Human Physiology by Lauralee Sherwood."