Did you know...
A third of our total body weight, that is the pecentage of body fat which allows a longer life.
A study which was published in the review "Annals of Internet Medicine" states that neither the total weight of a person nor the Body Mass Index (BMI), that is the relationship height/kilograms, influence an individual'longevity but the body fat percentage.
This study was made with a sample of 54.000 adults with an age of about 60 years and it showed that men and women with an higher body fat percentage had more risks of death in the following 4-7 years.
In men with a body fat percentage higher than 36% the risk of death was higher even of 59% than in equal in age people with a body fat percentage of 28-32%.
As for women, those with a body fat percentage of 39% had a risk of death which was more elevated of 19% than equal in age women with a body fat percentage of 30-34%.
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