Today we want to talk about the differences between isotonic, hypertonic and hypertonic drinks.
It is a very important to understand the difference in order to best prepare energy drinks using the mineral salt supplement purchased.
Today we want to talk about the differences between isotonic, hypertonic and hypertonic drinks.
It is a very important to understand the difference in order to best prepare energy drinks using the mineral salt supplement purchased.
What is the difference between isotonic, hypotonic and hypertonic drinks?
A solution’s tonicity (osmolarity) is determined by the number of dissolved charged particles.
The osmolarity of our blood is about 300 mOsmol/litre, so a drink is hypotonic if its osmolarity is respectively less, equal to or greater than 300 mOsmol/litre.
From a physiological point of view, the convenience of consuming a drink with a certain osmolarity depends on the following objectives:
rehydrating effect (maximum water absorption) = hypotonic drink (ISODRINK <30 g per 500 ml);
energy effect = hypertonic drink (ISODRINK >30g per 500 ml). All hyper-tonic beverages must be consumed in small spaced-out sips to avoid the risk of laxative effects.
How do you know what the osmolarity level of the mineral salt supplement you’re using is?
Look at the nutritional table on the label see if the salt solution’s osmolarity is listed.
Which category does Isodrink belong to?
A 30g solution of ISODRINK creates an isotonic drink (= 305 mOsmol/litre).