Did you know...
A study of Australian Institute of Sport and of University of Western Australia, conducted some clinical trials on kayakers of the Athletic Élite team and it revealed that beet juice is like "legal doping" as it is able to enhence athlets' performance, improving their times up to 1,7%.
11 men and women kayakers took part to the research and time differnces in different modes were measured: during training, competition and in on the cheap paddling.
Half of the men drank 70 ml of beet juice and the other half did not; the supplement had a limited effect on the distance covered but it was effective with the on the cheap paddling. With the women kayakers it was used more beet juice that is 140 ml: on a 500 meter distance there was a significant performance improvement of 1,7%.
Which properties do beets have?
They are characterised by a rich presence of minerals and vitamins and are mostly made of water: a beet contains minerals as sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium in addition to vitamin A, group B vitamins and vitamin C.
Moreover, both the tuber and the leaves are rich in antioxidants and flavonoids, which are useful to protect our body from the negative action of free radicals.
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