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Chronobiology ia a branch of medicine which studies the time variable applied to vital functions.
In this article we talk about when and what to eat.
According to professor Roberto Manfredini, director of the Clinic Sant'Anna in Ferrrara and chronobiology expert, it is essential to pay attention not only on "what" you eat but also "when".
Foe example the scientist affirms that eating meat in the evening is not advisable because the effect on our organism can be compared to a training in the gym. In fact proteins create excitement, hinder drowsiness and inetrfere with a good sleep. On the contrary carbohydrates are sleep-inducing and so they are advisable.
The ideal time to go to sleep is at 23.30 considering the fact that the melatonin peak is between 22 and 23.
Pay attention when you consider the food exclusively depending on how it is made, giving for example pasta up for fear of gaining wieght because of the sugars.
Sleeping weel is essential, in particular for the restorationof psychiatric and physical activities.
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