VOLCHEM SRL is one of the top producers in Italy of food supplements, approved by the Ministry of Health (1995), in accordance with the most advanced criteria of food safety (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point, ISO 22000).
Our product range includes all the essential nutrients for a balanced diet: vitamins, proteins, aminoacids, carbohydrates, fats and minerals. The products are formulated using the ingredients and the doses recommended (intakes levels of nutrients, Recommended Dietary Allowances) by the most authoritative international institutions (European Food Safety Authority, Food and Drug Administration), to ensure maximum safety and effectiveness.
The raw materials have the title of highest purity, corresponding to that required by the major pharmacopoeias (Official Italian Pharmacopeia, British Pharmacopeia, Deutsche Arzneibuch, United States Pharmacopeia, etc...) or Codex Alimentarius.
The VOLCHEM products are reviewed in the most prestigious national pharmaceutical reviews (Pharmaceutical Formulary) and international (Martindale).
VOLCHEM has a highly professionalized and efficient structure by the presence of technical experts: chemical, pharmacologists, engineers, psychologists, biologists, which ensure the implementation of best industrial processes (GMP) over all production line.
As a manufacturer we are able to meet your specific requests, customizing particular products or creating a new one. A capillary quality control, continuous updating and the search for innovative products are the basis for success of VOLCHEM products.